Kirsten Powers has done it again. She’s taken my thoughts and feelings and put them to print perfectly in this week’s article boldly entitled, “Kirsten Powers: Christians thrown overboard left to drown by Obama.”
When three North Carolina Muslims were gunned down by a virulent atheist, Obama rightly spoke out against the horrifying killings. But he just can’t seem to find any passion for the mass persecution of Middle Eastern Christians or theĀ eradication of Christianity from its birthplace.”
This lack of response, or at best an unemotional nearly apathetic response, to Christians’ murders and torment (and other minorities like the Yazidis) in the Middle East is becoming an all-too-familiar practice for our current president and our country.

Don’t get too comfy on your couches with your Netflix, folks. Don’t think this persecution of Christians could come to America, the supposed “land of the free and home of the brave?” Guess again.
If a blind eye is turned to what’s happening overseas, it’ll be that much easier to grow numb to the issue and turn a blind eye to it once it’s in our own backyards. It’s time to be brave and stand up for those who are being killed for their religious beliefs. No matter your religion, you should not be murdered for it. That’s just wrong, plain and simple.
America has intervened around the globe to help the starving, the sick — those dying from AIDS and Ebola, for example — as well as the impoverished, those suffering in the aftermath of natural disasters. When do we intervene to lend a hand to the innocently hunted?
Related Story:
Go here to watch Lara Logan’s story from a March episode of “60 Minutes” on what life has been like for Iraqi Christians as of late. It’s well worth a few minutes of your time.
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